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Aliens may exist, says Vatican

14.05.2008, 13:18

THE search for extraterrestrial life does not contradict belief in God, the Pope's chief astronomer says.

And some aliens may even be innocent of the original sin.

"As an astronomer I continue to believe that God is the creator of the universe," Jose Gabriel Funes said in the Vatican mouthpiece, the Osservatore Romano.


Zuletzt geändert von anselm am 14.05.2008, 13:53, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.

14.05.2008, 13:18

Vatikan-Astronom über Aliens und Gottesglauben

14.05.2008, 13:21

Vatikan-Astronom über Aliens und Gottesglauben

Gegenüber der Zeitung des Vatikan "Osservatore Romano" hat sich der oberste Astronom des Vatikan zum Thema Außerirdische und Gottesglauben geäußert.


Interview im italienischen Original

14.05.2008, 17:14

Katholiken dürfen an Außerirdische glauben

Glauben ist erlaubt, beim Verehren wird es kritischer: Nach Ansicht des Chefastronomen des Vatikans sind E.T. und Konsorten für Katholiken keineswegs tabu. In einem Interview stellte der Jesuit klar: Der Glaube an Aliens steht nicht im Widerspruch zum Glauben an Gott.

Schön, daß wir dran glauben dürfen :roll: , allerdings finde ich diese Offenheit der Kirche für dieses Thema recht fortschrittlich.
Amen ;)


14.05.2008, 23:09

Der Vatikan , war doch letztens auch bei der umstrittenen UNO Konferenz vertretten . Kann ja sein , dass die da etwas aufgeschnappt haben , was sie jetzt zum Umdenken zwingt .
So 2 Monate Bedenkzeit im Internen würde schon hinkommen .
Auf jeden Fall scheinen sie sich auch auf die nächsten Jahre einstellen - um eventuel vorbereitet zu sein .

Vatican Astronomer: Aliens Are God's Creation (May 13, 2008)

17.05.2008, 09:34

Vatican Astronomer: Aliens Are God's Creation (May 13, 2008)

The Vatican's chief astronomer says there is no conflict between believing in God and in the possibility of "extraterrestrial brothers" perhaps more evolved than humans.

"In my opinion this possibility (of life on other planets) exists," said Rev. Jose Gabriel Funes, a 45-year-old Jesuit priest who is head of the Vatican Observatory and a scientific adviser to Pope Benedict.

"How can we exclude that life has developed elsewhere," he told the Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano in an interview in its Tuesday-Wednesday edition, explaining that the large number of galaxies with their own planets made this possible.


Aliens may exist, says Vatican

17.05.2008, 09:59

Aliens may exist, says Vatican

THE search for extraterrestrial life does not contradict belief in God, the Pope's chief astronomer says.


Fastwalkers Monsignor Corrado Balducci

18.05.2008, 14:33

Fastwalkers Monsignor Corrado Balducci


Father Balducci talks about ETs


AFTER Ufo Visited Rome at Pope"john paul"Death IN

18.05.2008, 14:37

AFTER Ufo Visited Rome at Pope"john paul"Death IN 05.Now,Vatican is OK for Cath.to belive in ALIEN

Eye witness Reports:
"I watched this as it happened live on TV. It was awesome and just a little chilling. I feel that this event (sign) is if great significance."


Is the Vatican easing humanity toward alien disclosure?

20.05.2008, 09:19

Church astronomer latest to speak of "space brothers"

Vatican chief astronomer Father Jose Gabriel Funes in a long interview with the L'Osservatore Romano newspaper this week made news by saying there is a certain possibility of intelligent life elsewhere in the universe, and that such notion "doesn't contradict our faith."

"How can we rule out that life may have developed elsewhere? Just as we consider earthly creatures as 'a brother,' and 'sister,' why should we not talk about an 'extraterrestrial brother'? It would still be part of creation," he said.

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