UFO's, Militärbasen, fremde Lebensformen, Roswell, Sichtungen, Raumschiffe
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Flying saucer spotted over Portsmouth

13.02.2008, 21:53


http://mostimpartial.blogspot.com/2008/ ... mouth.html

13.02.2008, 21:53

UFO plays and displays

13.02.2008, 22:21

Hab, 28, from Portsmouth, Hants, said: “I didn’t spot anything when I took the picture but then later on when I looked a bit closer and zoomed in, there it was.

“I’ve never really believed in UFOs but this is a bit weird and quite freaky."




Isle Of Wight UFO Reports – January & February 2008

14.02.2008, 13:22

A number of inhabitants on the Isle of Wight have reported sightings of a brightly lit yellow(ish) craft which hovered low in the night sky, witnesses of the UFO have been able to watch the object for some time, and although it seemed to be close by it makes no noise and then disappears in a split second.


UFO oder Linsenspiegelung?

15.02.2008, 11:35

Ein Foto des Fotografen Hab Rahman sorgt derzeit unter UFO-Forschern und -Interessierten für kontroverse Diskussionen. Eigentlich wollte Rahman lediglich die städtische Idylle eines vernebelten nächtlichen Parkplatzes einfangen. Zuhause am Computer entdeckte er dann jedoch ein merkwürdiges Detail am Himmel.

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