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Der Anfang des Holocaust 70 Jahren Reichskristallnacht

09.11.2008, 11:32

Vor 70 Jahren brannten in Österreich, damals Teil Nazi-Deutschlands, jüdische Geschäfte und Einrichtungen. "Reichkristallnacht" nannten die Nazis den Pogrom, den sie als "Ausbruch des spontanen Volkszorns" darstellen wollten. Allein in Österreich wurden in der ersten Nacht der Übergriffe gegen jüdische Mitbürger 30 Menschen getötet. Historiker sind sich heute einig: Vom 9. auf den 10. November begann der Holocaust, die systematische Vernichtung der Juden durch die Nazis. Bereits im November 1938 führte der Weg für über 20.000 Juden in die Konzentrationslager der Nazis.



09.11.2008, 11:32

09.11.2008, 11:37

Germany remembers Kristallnacht

Germany is preparing to mark the 70th anniversary of the Nazi-inspired Kristallnacht riots, amid warnings of a rise in far-right sentiment.

A ceremony will be held at Berlin's largest synagogue with a classical and pop concert held later in the day.

Chancellor Angela Merkel has called on the country to fight racism and anti-Semitism "with determination".


http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2008/oc ... ar-germany


09.11.2008, 11:52

70 Jahre ist es her, dass in Deutschland die Synagogen brannten und die Juden ihres Lebens unter dem nationalsozialistischen Regime nicht mehr sicher sein konnten. Doch schon in den Jahren vorher wurden sie systematisch entrechtet und ausgegrenzt. Planet Wissen fragt nach, wie dies eigentlich passieren konnte und wie der Weg in den Holocaust nach Hitlers Machtergreifung vorbereitet wurde.


09.11.2008, 12:35

Here is good documentary from the History Channel on Reichskristallnacht, the night of broken glass. On November 9--10 November 1938, all across Germany Jewish businesses were ransacked, synagogues burned down, Jews sent to concentration camps and murdered. It was the first big anti-Semitic event in Germany before the war started. Here the events leading up to it are chroncled as well. The most hard-hitting quote is when it is said that this marked the end of German Jewry. Very depressing...






09.11.2008, 13:18

Kristallnacht anniversary

CNN's Frederik Pleitgen reports on how Germany is marking the 70th anniversary of Reichskristallnacht, the night of broken glass.

http://edition.cnn.com/video/#/video/wo ... lnacht.cnn

09.11.2008, 16:32

German town nixes Kristallnacht event

The German town of Goerlitz is refusing to allow its Jewish community to hold its own ceremony marking Kristallnacht.
A Jewish shop in Berlin...

A Jewish shop in Berlin damaged during Kristallnacht.
Photo: AP

Instead, the only ceremony marking the 70th anniversary of the Kristallnacht pogrom will be held by the local Protestant church, which has traditionally focused on all victims of the Third Reich.

http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite? ... 2017610930

09.11.2008, 16:35

Catholic University Anti-Nazi Broadcast, November 16, 1938.

Here you will find, for example, a recently discovered November 16, 1938 broadcast featuring a group of 5 American Catholic clerical leaders and one layperson (pictured to the right and left, click on images for more information) condemning the Nazi violence against Jews.

http://libraries.cua.edu/achrcua/krista ... index.html


The American Catholic Church and Kristallnacht:

Because the Nazi regime had not yet censored or expelled foreign journalists to the extent they would later on, the world received swift and accurate reporting of Kristallnacht as it was happening as well as immediately afterward. Both The New York Times and The Washington Post, for example, ran detailed articles in their November 10, 1938 issues on the violence erupting in Germany as Ernst vom Rath died. "The greatest wave of anti-Jewish violence since Adolph Hitler came to power in 1933 swept Nazi Germany today," reported The Washington Post on November 11, 1938. The New York Times gave a city-by city account of the attacks on Jews, their businesses, and their synagogues across Germany and territory occupied by Germany.2 Nearly every American newspaper condemned Germany for its actions. President Franklin Roosevelt declared he "could scarcely believe that such things could occur in a twentieth century civilization" and announced the recall of the German Ambassador. As historian Deborah Lipstadt shows, the immediate response in the U.S. as reflected in the press was nearly universally one of alarm and anger.3

http://libraries.cua.edu/achrcua/krista ... intro.html

09.11.2008, 16:41


Herschel Grynszpan, a 17-year-old Polish Jew, had shot the diplomat on November 7, 1938. A few days earlier, German authorities had expelled thousands of Jews of Polish citizenship living in Germany from the Reich; Grynszpan had received news that his parents, residents in Germany since 1911, were among them.


http://www.ushmm.org/wlc/article.php?Mo ... latedLinks

09.11.2008, 16:48

Antisemitismus damals und heute in Österreich

Interview mit dem Historiker Michael John über den Novemberprogrom, Antisemitismus in Österreich vor 65 Jahren im Vergleich zu heute.

Download / Stream http://cba.orange.or.at/show.php?lang=d ... ag_id=1685

09.11.2008, 16:53

Herzlich Willkommen beim Synagogen-Internet-Archiv

Informationen zu über 2200 deutschen und österreichischen Synagogen abrufen

mitarbeiten und Bilder, Kommentare, Zeitzeugenberichte sowie Links zu einzelnen Synagogen hinzufügen


09.11.2008, 17:30

Deutsches Generalkonsulat San Francisco & Goethe-Institut

Das Projekt wurde durch das Transatlantik-Programm der Bundesrepublik Deutschland aus Mitteln des European Recovery Program (ERP) des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Technologie (BMWi) gefördert.

The project was kindly supported by the Transatlantic Program of the Federal Republic of Germany with funds of the European Recovery Program of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi).

mp3 http://www.radiogoethe.net/audio/rgm_sh ... _11_06.mp3
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