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07.08.2008, 10:33


The victims and family members of the 2001 anthrax mailings have waited patiently for nearly seven years to find out who was responsible for the worst case of bioterrorism in U.S. history. This morning during a special briefing at FBI Headquarters, Director Robert Mueller provided answers. The briefing took place several hours before the public release of documents relating to the investigation.


07.08.2008, 10:33

Biowaffenexperte beging Selbstmord

07.08.2008, 10:35

Die Anthrax-Anschläge in den USA mit fünf Toten sind nach sieben Jahren geklärt. Das gab das FBI am Mittwoch bekannt. Der Biowaffenexperte Bruce Ivins, der mit den US-Behörden zusammengearbeitet und erst kürzlich Selbstmord begangen hatte, wurde nun nach "akribischer Arbeit" als Täter identifiziert, so das FBI. Die Kuverts mit dem Milzbranderreger hatten kurz nach den Anschlägen vom 11. September die USA erneut in Panik versetzt. Bei den Ermittlungen gab es einige Pannen.


250 für Biowaffenexperte beging Selbstmord. (0,21 Sekunden)

07.08.2008, 13:38

Genau, das passt auch alles zu den Motiven eines Wissenschaftlers :shock:

the case is far from closed

08.08.2008, 07:10

the case is far from closed

FBI's Anthrax Case: Not Closed!

kboo.fm Length: 24:10 minutes (11.07 MB) Format: MP3 Mono 44kHz 64Kbps (CBR)

FBI Told to Blame Anthrax Scare on Al Qaeda by White House Officials

In the immediate aftermath of the 2001 anthrax attacks, White House officials repeatedly pressed FBI Director Robert Mueller to prove it was a second-wave assault by Al Qaeda, but investigators ruled that out, the Daily News has learned.


The Anthrax Attack Was a Classic False Flag Operation Targeting Arabs

Whether or not Bruce Ivins had a role in the anthrax attacks, trying to now blame him alone for the attacks is ignoring the elephant in the room: the anthrax attack was a classic false flag attack blamed on Arabs.


Government Asserts Ivins Acted Alone

08.08.2008, 07:20

Government Asserts Ivins Acted Alone

Federal investigators uncovered e-mail messages written by bacteriologist Bruce E. Ivins describing an al-Qaeda threat that echoed language in the handwritten letters mailed to Senate offices and media organizations in September and October 2001. Ivins, who worked in high-security labs at Fort Detrick, Md., had a motive because of his work validating a controversial anthrax vaccine that had been suspended from production, authorities said.


White House memo exposes Rove knew of problems with anthrax

08.08.2008, 07:25

White House memo exposes Rove knew of problems with anthrax vaccine

A 2001 memorandum from former White House Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove to then-Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz indicates that the White House knew of problems relating to the Gulf War Syndrome and the military's controversial anthrax vaccine.


Anthrax scientist Bruce Ivins stood to benefit from a panic

08.08.2008, 07:31

Anthrax scientist Bruce Ivins stood to benefit from a panic

Bruce E. Ivins, the government biodefense scientist linked to the deadly anthrax mailings of 2001, stood to gain financially from massive federal spending in the fear-filled aftermath of those killings, the Los Angeles Times has learned.


FBI had, then tossed anthrax type used in attacks

20.08.2008, 11:51

FBI had, then tossed anthrax type used in attacks

Gov't destroyed early sample from anthrax suspect, feared it would be thrown out at trial

Months after the deadly 2001 anthrax mailings, FBI scientists had — but destroyed — the unique strain of the bacteria used in the attacks that years later would lead them to Dr. Bruce Ivins, now the government's top suspect.

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