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Chupacabra caught on tape

13.08.2008, 08:44

Der Chupacabra (Vom spanischen chupar : saugen und cabra : Ziege), auch Chupacabras geschrieben, ist ein lateinamerikanisches Fabelwesen, das Kleinvieh wie Ziegen oder Schafen gleich einem Vampir die Kehle aufschlitzen und dann das Blut aussaugen soll. Die ersten Berichte kamen 1995 aus Puerto Rico, doch mittlerweile wird von diesem Phänomen in ganz Süd- und Mittelamerika berichtet. Der Chupacabra ist ein klassisches Beispiel einer modernen Sage (urban legend) und wird gerne von Kryptozoologen zitiert. Ursprünglich wurde das Chupacabra erfunden um zu verhindern, dass Kinder sich zuweit von zuhause entfernten und sich im Wald verlaufen.

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Zuletzt geändert von anselm am 13.08.2008, 12:14, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.

13.08.2008, 08:44

Mythical chupacabra caught on tape?

13.08.2008, 08:46

Mythical chupacabra caught on tape?

The legend of the Cuero Chupacabra is getting new life. A pair of Dewitt County (Texas) sheriff's deputies caught a rare glimpse of what some believe to be the mythical creature. And, they recorded the entire encounter on their patrol car video camera.

"I've been patrolling these back roads for a long time and I never run across anything like this."


Has The Legendary Chupacabra Been Found?

13.08.2008, 08:47

Has The Legendary Chupacabra Been Found?

Whoo-hoo, Texas has video of the Chupacabra! And it’s coming at you from a Dewitt County deputy-in-training who filmed the animal near Cuero, the site of multiple chupacabra sightings, so you know it’s true.

Cpl. Brandon Riedel told CNN he was patrolling back roads last week when he ran into a hairless animal with short front legs, long back legs and a long snout face like a feral hog. “I knew it wasn’t a coyote.” The deputy turned on his dash-camera and followed the suspected chupacabra for a while until it ran off into the brush.

Vampire dog spotted in Texas

16.08.2008, 13:01

Vampire dog spotted in Texas

The Chupacabra, which literally translates as Goat Sucker, has taken on legendary status akin to Bigfoot in Latino circles which has seen it appear in books and films including Scooby-Doo and the Monster of Mexico.

Texas chupacabra sighting explained by Arizona woman?

20.08.2008, 11:30

Texas chupacabra sighting explained by Arizona woman?

An Arizona woman believes she knows the identity of a mysterious animal caught on Texas police dashcam video in early August.

While many believe the animal is one of the legendary "chupacabra," Hueston Wilson said she is convinced the animal is a hairless 'Peruvian Inca Orchid' dog.
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