Illuminaten, Mondlandung, Regierung, Sekten, Geheimdienste, Überwachung, Chemtrails
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CHEMTRUTH: Chemtrails & Morgellons

13.05.2008, 09:34

This updated hard-hitting video presentation compiles several of the most recent reports on Chemtrails, and the epidemic outbreak of Morgellon's disease coast to coast. The Ultimate CHEMTRUTH version contains extended news coverage, and other information which anybody interested in knowing the truth about Chemtrails must not miss!! Politically aware individuals will understand the connection between this documented activity, and the proven 'End Game' theories of patriots such as Alex Jones, Anthony J. Hilder, Phil Schneider (RIP), and many others, as well as the 'Zeitgeist' religious conspiracy (which has been carried out upon humanity for millennium by the apex echelon of dynastic elite). This is the time for the powerful creative forces of good, inner light, and love to take back this space, this time, and this place. Be a Beacon of Love, and a Warrior of Truth. And like a warrior, ACT - do something! Get involved! Now, it is up to us! Awaken to Awareness, and Behold!







------------------------------------------------------------ [Morgellons]


MORGELLONS DISEASE - European Information Center


Morgellons Research Foundation (MRF)

Zuletzt geändert von anselm am 21.06.2008, 10:09, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.

13.05.2008, 09:34

Short radio segment with slides

13.05.2008, 10:11

Short radio segment with slides.



Captain we have a leak...

"Evergreen's Supertanker utilizes a new type of pressurized system allowing the aircraft to fight fire from higher altitudes.

Aerosol Crimes 1st Edition

13.05.2008, 10:25

This documentary produced by chemtrail researcher Clifford Carnicom is a must see and an excellent research tool. Five plus years into the operations has provided ample evidence in this 90min DVD that covers many topics. Over the years aerosol/chemtrail research has provided some leads but even more questions as to who and why the spraying occurs. It is clear jets are deliberately spraying the sky's and it will not stop until enough people are aware and willing to stand up for the operations exposure and termination. 99 min


Canadian Chemtrails

Chemtrail Pod Is Simple Aerial Refueling Drogue

14.05.2008, 13:27

Chemtrail Pod Is Simple Aerial Refueling Drogue

I'd like to point out a few facts regarding the chemtrail plane photos.

Contrary to what some apparently think this article was not intended to be disinformation. That would be a pointless waste of time. It has always been my policy to research subjects I write about before writing about them. Many subjects have little information available, but this does not mean that nothing should be said. Although there are thousands of photos of trails in the sky, there is a large absence of photos of the actual aircraft. It is quite possible that some of the aircraft doing the spraying may look like any other aircraft when on the ground.


Chemtrails - Aerosol Crimes - Deutsch

15.05.2008, 11:24

Chemtrails - Aerosol Crimes - Deutsch

Das WINION-Team hat die Tragweite der Bedeutung erschüttert, die sich allein in den beiden Film - Dokumentationen eröffnet hat (dieser und The Freeman Perspective), die sie übersetzt und synchronisiert haben.
100 Min.

Chemtrails - ein weltweites "Phänomen"

15.05.2008, 11:27
59 Min

Scientists debate cause of feared 'worms-under-skin' disease

18.05.2008, 14:17

Scientists debate cause of feared 'worms-under-skin' disease

Scientists are debating whether a debilitating condition called Morgellons disease could be caused by bacteria or fungus on plants in California, Texas and Florida, though many agree that research is leaving them with more questions than answers.

While there are many unfounded theories about the cause of Morgellons disease, including alien abduction and government conspiracies, some have attempted to draw a link between the mysterious illness and genetically modified food by suggesting engineered crops may contain bacterium responsible for the disease.

UFO against a chemical tanker

18.05.2008, 14:26

UFO against a chemical tanker


California Chemtrail News Barium, Aluminum making us SICK!!


The Freeman Perspective - Chemtrails / HAARP - deutsche Über

19.05.2008, 09:05

The Freeman Perspective - Chemtrails / HAARP - deutsche Übersetzung

sehr interessante Dokumentation von Freeman über Chemtrails und HAARP, ins Deutsche übersetzt vom WINION-Team. 58 Min

Chemtrails & Gesundheit - Prophylaxe - Deutsch

19.05.2008, 09:08

Chemtrails & Gesundheit - Prophylaxe - Deutsch

Der Massenmord - - Das Ausbringen chemischer Substanzen (Chemtrails) in unserer Atmosphäre wirkt sich grundsätzlich gesundheitlich auf unseren Körper aus! ... Alle

Gwen Scott (Dr. der Naturheilkunde) gibt einige Tipps für die Prophylaxe bei Chemtrails.

Dieser Filmausschnitt wurde der Dokumentation "Aerosol Crimes" entnommen (ab Min 56:30).

HR 2977

24.05.2008, 09:02


Proof of Satellite Based Weather Modification / Chemtrails

24.05.2008, 09:07

Proof of Satellite Based Weather Modification / Chemtrails

There is substantive proof of a long history of weather modification,
and climatic control, as well as chemtrail spraying in order to effect
weather and climatic control..

In 1986 Crispen Tickell (a high level atmospheric scientist /
administrator) wrote the following in his paper "Climatic Change and
World Affairs."

Climatic Change and World Affairs

Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques


24.05.2008, 12:58

What Chemtrails Really Are

Todesstreifen am Himmel

27.05.2008, 09:33

Todesstreifen am Himmel

Nach einer neuen Verschwörungstheorie enthalten künstlich hervorgerufene Kondensstreifen neben den kondensierten Flugzeugabgasen noch weitere Zusätze, so genannte Chemtrails. Diese Chemtrails bestehen nicht nur aus Eiskristallen, sondern aus diversen chemischen Substanzen, die das Klima nachhaltig beeinflussen.

CHEMTRAILS, Haarp und Mind Control - Konferenz Bremen 2005

27.05.2008, 09:36

CHEMTRAILS, Haarp und Mind Control - Konferenz Bremen 2005

Alle Fakten, die Sie in dem Film erfahren, sind Indizien für ein globales Verbrechen! Mit dem ersten Teil dieser Filmdoku erhalten Sie unveröffentlichtes Bildmaterial einer Konferenz zu den Themen Chemtrails, Haarp und Mind Control, gehalten am 12. Mai 2005 in Bremen. Aufgrund der Brisanz der Themen spürt man förmlich die Anspannung der Referenten Werner Altnickel (ehem. Greenpeace-Aktivist), Peter Platte (ehem. Luftwaffenoffizier) und Uwe Behnken (Moderator O.K.-TV Bremen). Es ist schwer auf Anhieb die Tragweite des Ganzen zu erfassen. Und es sind in der Tat unglaubliche Enthüllungen, die einen unverzüglichen Handlungsbedarf anzeigen. Helfen Sie mit, dieser Sache, welche unsere Natur zerstört, uns das Sonnenlicht nimmt, Mensch und Tieren Krankheit, eventuell sogar den Tod bringen kann und dessen Langzeitfolgen nicht abschätzbar sind, aufzuklären und zu stoppen! Die Bild und Tonqualität könnte besser sein, jedoch wegen der dringenden Aktualität akzeptabel. 61 Min.
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