Illuminaten, Mondlandung, Regierung, Sekten, Geheimdienste, Überwachung, Chemtrails
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18.02.2008, 14:47

hallo leute
in deutschland wird jetzt nicht nur laut darüber nachgedacht, sondern schon gehandelt - und das bei der telekom - na ja wen wunderts? ... 14036.html

18.02.2008, 14:47

20.02.2008, 22:00

Der Anfang vom "großen" Plan?

Ich denke mir, daß man notfalls die Chips ja irgendwie unbrauchbar machen oder hacken könnte, gefährlich wird es aber dann, wenn man verpflichtet ist, einen solchen Chip unter der Haut zu tragen und sich strafbar macht, falls dieser nicht funktionieren sollte.


21.02.2008, 09:10

Die hier vorgestellten RFID-Detektoren erkennen Lesegeräte, die für eine Frequenz von 13,56 MHz ausgegelegt sind. Der Armreif-Detektor arbeitet passiv, d.h., er kommt ohne eigene Stromversorgung aus. Der c't-Detektor arbeitet aktiv und benötigt deshalb eine eigene Stromversorgung.

Reisepässe in die Mikrowelle

21.02.2008, 11:29

Der Protest gegen Sicherheitsgesetze muss radikaler werden, fordert Frank Rosengart vom Chaos Computer Club. Das Jahr 2008 werde in Sachen Datenschutz spannend.

Wie kann ich RFID-Chips unbrauchbar machen?
Zuletzt geändert von anselm am 21.02.2008, 12:47, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.


21.02.2008, 12:40

RFID Song von Ecoluddit.


Download des RFID Song

EU wants RFID tags turned off

23.02.2008, 10:55

RFID tags used in retail products will have to be deactivated at the point of sale to protect consumers’ privacy under draft guidelines drawn up by the European Commission (EC).

Schwächen des RFID-Systems Mifare Classic bestätigt

02.04.2008, 11:51

Der Betreiber des landesweiten Bezahlsystems für den Niederländischen Nahverkehr, Trans Link Systems (TLS), hat Auszüge einer zuvor geheim gehaltenen Sicherheitsanalyse des drahtlosen Bezahlsystems Mifare Classic veröffentlicht. Darin kommen die Analysten der niederländischen TNO zu dem Ergebnis, dass sowohl die Ende vergangenen Jahres bekannt gewordenen Schwachstellen als auch die beschriebenen Angriffe nachvollziehbar seien. Mifare Classic ist das derzeit wohl am weitesten verbreitete RFID-Bezahlsystem. Insbesondere in Mensen und als berührungslose Fahr- und Zugangskarten sind die Chips nach Schätzungen weltweit bereits milliardenfach im Einsatz.

Mifare [wiki]


Security flaw in Mifare Classic RFID applications exposed. See for more information.

24C3 - Mifare security 57 Min. 53 Sek.

NXP RFID encryption cracked

02.04.2008, 11:53

The Chaos Computer Club (Hamburg, Germany) has cracked the encryption scheme of NXPs popular Mifare Classic RFID chip. The device is used in many contactless smartcard applications including fare collection, loyalty cards or access control cards. NXP downplays the significance of the hack.

How to block/kill RFID chips - diy

26.04.2008, 15:34

In this Instructable I will describe different ways to block or kill RFID tags. RFID stands for Radio Frequency Identification. If you do not know about this technology yet, you should definitely start familiarizing yourself with it, because the number of different devices that utilize these types of tags is growing exponentially.

Streamlining and Testing RFID Technology

16.05.2008, 15:22

Streamlining and Testing RFID Technology

Multiple readers have written to let us know that an experiment at the upcoming Hackers on Planet Earth (HOPE) conference will use RFID to track the movements of at least 1,500 registrants for the duration of the conference. Those movements will be transmitted onto screens which "show in real-time where people go, with whom they associate, for how long and how often." The system will also be used for games which involve manipulation of the available data. Meanwhile, researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology have developed a method for testing large quantities of RFID tags, which may serve to greatly speed distribution.

Passport cards called security vulnerability

17.05.2008, 10:29

Passport cards called security vulnerability

The agency has contracted with L-1 Identity Solutions Inc. to produce electronic-passport cards as a substitute for booklet passports for use by Americans who travel frequently by road or sea to Canada, Mexico and the Caribbean.

About the size of a credit card, the electronic-passport card displays a photo of the user and a radio frequency identification (RFID) chip containing data about the user. The State Department announced recently that it will begin producing the cards next month and issue the first ones in July.

RFID tags, pay per bag, and they STILL lose 'em

23.05.2008, 15:18

RFID tags, pay per bag, and they STILL lose 'em

I was reading an article this morning on the new American Airlines luggage charge (THAT's gonna go over well), and noticed an aside starting on page 3...Las Vegas is using RFIDs in outgoing luggage tags now to help move bags more efficiently.

Study: RFID Tags Can Mess Up Medical Devices

25.06.2008, 10:52

Study: RFID Tags Can Mess Up Medical Devices

Radio-frequency identification — a system of using tiny tags to track all sorts of products — could be a smart way for hospitals to keep tabs on everything from surgical sponges to patient beds. Indeed, some hospitals have already started adopting the technology.

RFID Aesthetics

25.06.2008, 10:57

RFID Aesthetics

An RFID tag embedded in the precious emblem of a sweet Japanese school uniform for the teachers to monitor. This one for a rental uniform is versatile, ranging from high frequency (13,56 MHz) to ultra-high frequency and still performs relatively well in humid environments.


Raw data from the spy-badges at HOPE hackercon

09.08.2008, 09:12

This weekend, the Attendee Meta-Data (AMD) project at the Last HOPE (Hackers on Planet Earth) in NYC will introduce a new location-aware social networking system to track and bring together hackers based on a huge array of matching interests. Conference goers will be given unprecedented ability to connect with new people, find the talks they're most interested in attending, see what's happening and where in real time, and experience and talk about the way RFID technology is changing the world.
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