Illuminaten, Mondlandung, Regierung, Sekten, Geheimdienste, Überwachung, Chemtrails
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Deeper Insights into the Illuminati Formula

13.08.2008, 09:05

Part I

How the control comes about

by Fritz Springmeier

Part II

How help comes about

by Cisco Wheeler

Important Explanation of Contents

A successful treasure hunter of the sea said, "You have to convince others of what you are looking for, and be incredibly persistent in looking for it." I, Fritz, could really identify with what he was saying. I have searched for truth like a treasure hunter, I have sifted the dusty pages of documents, like a patient miner panning for gold. How far & deep are you willing to search for truth? Cisco and I feel we are accountable to tell you the whole truth as far as we know it, what you do with that is up to you. This book will explain many occult ideas and beliefs, many of them never before publicly revealed. There is an important reason why these occult ideas and beliefs are introduced, we need to study our enemy and know how he thinks. The U.S. Army used indian scouts to track the indians. Gen. MacArthur learned everything he could about the Japanese so that he could defeat them. Christ was extremely savvy as to Satan’s tricks. The Apostle said, "We are not ignorant of Satan’s devices." Time and time again, this author has seen powerful Masonic clergyman do their handshakes, their codewords, etc. in front of the common people and the Christians do not catch on. On the one hand the Christians want proof of what is happening, but on the other hand, they are not willing to learn how to identify what the opposition is doing. Such doublemindedness has contributed to the churches becoming, sad-to-say, fronts for the Illuminati. I have included the Illuminati’s understanding of things and other occult beliefs, because I have witnessed that knowing these things can be helpful in defeating the mind-control. If I were trying to help a refugee who was trying to escape the Yakuza, I would study the tactics of the Yakuza. If I were trying to free a witch of JuJuism, then I would learn about JuJuism. I strongly recommend that readers always stand on the foundation of the Word of God, and that they use the Word of God as a refreshing bath to cleanse their minds. This author has found tapes with scriptures to be an encouragement.

13.08.2008, 09:05

Thema gesperrt

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